Beekeeping is much, much more than just honey. The bee products that the bee produces have incredible abilities. The beekeeper supports the bees in their work and harvests the products from the beehive. Often these are only known as "alternative thinkers" or naturopaths. However, they have been used successfully in other cultures for millennia. We recommend bee products for every medicine cabinet. You will be surprised at what you can find out on our blog. Here we explain the basics of beekeeping and its history.

What do you think of when you think about beekeeping? You probably only know bees and honey. However, beekeeping includes far more products and unimagined possibilities. The beekeeper or "Zeidler" specialises in the keeping, reproduction and breeding of bees. The beekeeper, for example, extracts honey and all other bee products such as royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen from the beehive.
The word “beekeeper” is made up of the terms "Imme" (Dutch) and the term "Kar" (Middle German). "Imme" means "bee" and "kar" basket. Beekeeping strengthens the development of the bee colony and supports it in its natural behavior.
General history and history of origin

2400 years before Christ the great cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia developed exceptionally well. Beekeeping was also part of these cultures and was an integral part of everyday life. In modern times honey was found in the ancient tombs of the pharaohs. It was found that it is still edible to this day. (Wow!)
For example, the Egyptians made caves where they raised bees. The bees were also supported in the production of honey by various baskets or ceramic vessels.

In 500 AD, beekeeping also arrived in German-speaking countries. In the 14th century, working with bees became an official job title. The beekeeping profession as we know it today has only existed since the 19th century.
Today's beekeeping continues to build on the tradition of past centuries and has therefore retained its knowledge and its "naturalness". Modern scientific knowledge supports breeding today. Studies and research have also confirmed the effectiveness of bee medicine.
What does the beekeeper do with the bee colony?

The beekeeper supports the bees in their tasks and takes care of them in every season. That means during the flowering and the active time of the bees (spring and summer) the beekeeper makes sure that there is enough food (flowers of flowers and bushes) available.
The bee produces the honey from the raw materials nectar and honeydew. You can read about how exactly the extraction and production of honey and all other bee products such as royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen works, in the respective blogs.
In the cold season, in which there are no flowers, the beekeeper "feeds" the bees with a suitable feed juice so that they survive the cold season well.
You can read about the year from the perspective of a bee and the respective tasks in our blog "The bee year from the perspective of a bee"
Beekeeping today

Beekeeping has been developing new housing / prey in which the bees live since the 19th century. The yield usually consist of a bottom, individual frames and a lid. The mobile, stacked frames help the beekeeper to be able to simply look inside. The frames in which the honeycombs are attached and from which the honey is later extracted hang in the frames.

The beekeeping also offers various solutions such as high quality beehive products like
honey, propolis, bee pollen, beeswax and royal jelly
to harvest. Furthermore, these artificial apiaries help to multiply and strengthen weaker people. Other tasks of the beekeeper are the care of the bees and the selection of food sources. A beekeeper should ideally place his bee colonies near meadows and shrubs.
Obwohl die meisten den Bienenfachmann nur mit Honig in Verbindung bringen, gibt es sehr viel mehr Aufgaben, die durch das ganze Bienenjahr verteilt aufkommen. Diese sind immer von dem Wetter und den Blütezeiten abhängig. Bienen verlassen beispielsweise den Bienenstock erst ab 12°C.
Ab Oktober ist es meistens schon zu kalt für die Bienen. Mit der Zeit rücken sie im Bienenstock immer dichter zusammen um sich gegenseitig zu wärmen (Temperatur rund 20-22 Grad im Bienenstock). Diese Methode ist bekannt als Wintertraube. Vorrangig wird die Bienenkönigin geschütz und gewärmt, die sich im Zentrum des Bienenvolks befindet.
Bee benefits from beekeeping
Although bees are wild animals and used to be alone in earlier times, a lot has changed over the years. Beekeepers therefore no longer “steal” honey from hollow trees, as you know from old pictures. Beekeeping is essential for the survival of the honeybee. Through the living space / beehives provided, the bee and its people have protection from the weather and wild animals. The brood nest is protected and ensures the food supply (flower and feed).
Why is the bee the most important living being on our planet?

The bee was officially declared the most important living being on the planet by the "Royal Geographical Society", which was later confirmed again by "The Science Times". This ranking was initiated by the international environmental organisation "Earthwatch Institute", through which the importance of animals should be present.
Honeybees are the main pollinators of flowering plants. Greenpeace has produced extensive reports that 70% of global agriculture relies on bee pollination. Without pollination, plants and flowers can reproduce only with difficulty, so the flora would die out or there could be a food shortage. The oxygen supply through the photosynthesis of plants would also be permanently endangered.
The bee is therefore of essential importance in the earth's ecosystem. Without beekeeping, bees would be threatened with extinction. Help support the bees and support the beekeeping.
What do you have to do to become a beekeeper?
A specific training as a beekeeper is not required. However, they are subject to bee law and are therefore also part of agriculture. However, many beekeepers choose to take a basic course and further training, or to complete vocational training courses, such as the animal farmer specialising in beekeeping. We recommend books and specialist articles at the beginning to read into the apiary.
