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PROPOLIS: Antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal agents - a natural antibiotic?

Aktualisiert: 10. Jan. 2021

Wow! Who would have thought that nature provides us with such powerful aids? Propolis is the cement resin used by bees to prevent infection and stimulate the immune system. So far, it was known as an insider tip from alternative thinkers and organic lovers, beekeepers and naturopaths. However, the antimicrobial, antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal effects of the active ingredients that it of consist have been public since the ancient times. It is therefore very helpful and supportive to your body system.

What exactly is propolis?

Propolis is a brown, resinous building material that the honeybee uses to seal and maintain the beehive. The composition consists of the resin of various trees, pollen, waxes, essential oils and saliva secretion. Sugar, vitamins, minerals and amino acids are also contained in small amounts.

How does the bees use propolis?

The temperature in the beehive is higher than the ambient temperature, as is the air humidity. These are ideal foundations for the multiplication of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. The bee has developed propolis as an ingenious solution and thus successfully protects itself from unwanted diseases in the beehive. The worker bees slide out all objects, as well as the inner walls of the beehive with propolis for protection.

Examples of organic minerals:

  • vitamin A

  • vitamin B3

  • vitamin E

  • iron

  • calcium

  • magnesium

  • zink

The secret of the effectiveness of propolis lies mainly in the flavonoids, which are increasingly found in organic and mineral substances.

What is propolis used for?

In some countries, such as Romania or TCM, propolis has been used for a long time in hospitals and for medical treatment. This form of therapy is known as apitherapy.

Various flavonoids and acids (the best known is acetylsalicylic acid - aspirin), which are contained in propolis, "fight" against bacteria and fungi and prevent "invaders" from sticking to healthy cells in the body. Studies have shown the following effects of the ingredients:

  1. antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal active ingredients

  2. antibiotic action against various pathogenic bacteria

  3. propolis is said to counteract oxidative stress

  4. tests have shown an antiviral effect against rhinoviruses and herpes viruses was found in the plaque reduction test

  5. propolis is said to promote and accelerate wound healing

  6. it is said to influence and strengthen the immune system very positively

  7. helps protect against free radicals (aggressive oxygen compounds that can damage cell structures)

  8. it is said to antidepressant effects

  9. counteracts gum regression and strengthens the teeth

The approximately 270 different ingredients (minerals, vitamins, trace elements) that propolis is made of have not been researched in this combination for a long time, but it is assumed that a versatile effect can be achieved through this combination. Propolis has long been colloquially called the strongest natural antibiotic. In this context, it is said that, unlike chemical antibiotics, no resistance bodies are formed. That would mean that it remains effective.

Use of propolis

Propolis is often used as a propolis tincture with and without alcohol.

Propolis Hartz has been made soluble and is easier to take.

Propolis is also available in form of capsules, as creams for skin problems or propolis powder.

There are also mouthwashes, propolis toothpaste, lozenges, ampoules and much more.

How does propolis arise?

Propolis occurs when the bees collect the resinous substance from willows, poplar, alder, chestnut, birch, spruce, fir, and pine on their panties. In addition, there are various substances such as approximately 30% wax, 5% pollen and approximately 10% essential oils from flower buds and secretions from the memory.

Extraction of propolis

The beekeeper has several options for obtaining propolis. The easiest way is to scrape the propolis from the cracks and gaps. However, a grid can also be used, which the bees start to coat. The beekeeper can easily remove this and "harvest" the propolis.

Propolis in ancient times

Pliny and Aristotle already report the wound and healing properties of propolis in antiquity. In ancient Egypt it was also used to mummify the bodies. The name propolis comes from the Greek and means "before the city" (Greek: pro = before, polis = city) in the sense of a defense against the beehive, that is, to defend the city. Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Galen, Pliny and many others often mention bee products and refer to their positive effects.

Note: Due to the German Medicines Advertising Act, we are not allowed to make any statements about possible or proven healing effects in the case of diseases. There have been numerous studies and traditions worldwide for many centuries. Thousands of scientists from different countries have now studied the compositions, properties, applications, contraindications and dosage instructions of bee products. We want to give you something to think about through our blogs about natural products, especially bee products.

We assume that if we have piqued your interest, you will also use other sources of information (e.g. internet, book trade, trade magazines, ...) to gain extensive knowledge of propolis, natural and bee products. Please note that taking propolis does not replace a doctor's visit if you have health problems. Propolis can be used in addition to medication.


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