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RECIPE: Yogurt with oatmeal, bee pollen and honey

Autorenbild: The Queen BeeThe Queen Bee

Aktualisiert: 1. Sept. 2020

HONEY & CO. BREAKFAST - The sweet and healthy start to the day!

A healthy and refreshing meal helps start the day well. On top of that it also has a positive effect on the general well-being and tastes delicious :)

BREAKFAST: Part 3 of our recipe series

With honey & Co. you not only sweeten your food and the start of the day, but your whole attitude towards life. It's that simple!

What you need:

  • 200 g coconut yogurt / soy yogurt

  • 50 g granola / crunchy muesli

  • 1 tap of pollen

  • 2 tbsp honey (liquid)


  1. Put 10 g granola and / or crunchy muesli in a glass.

  2. Then add 50 g of the yogurt.

  3. This should be repeated 3 more times in total until 10 g of granola / crunchy muesli remain.

  4. The top layer of yogurt is sprinkled with bee pollen and drizzled with liquid honey.

  5. Optional: Of course, chia seeds, coconut flakes or fruit of your choice can also be added.

  6. Finally, the remaining 10 g of granola / crunchy muesli are sprinkled onto the finished breakfast.

Enjoy your meal :-)


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Bienenprodukt, Naturkosmetik, Onlineshop, nachhaltig, Kosmetik, the Queen Bee, Naturkosmetik Blog, biologisch, natürlich, Propolis, Pollen, Shampoo, Makeup, Gelee Royale,

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