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AutorenbildThe Queen Bee

BEAUTY: Honig and coconut peeling for smooth and firm skin

Aktualisiert: 24. Aug. 2020

Peels clean deep into the pores, which means that blemishes and dead skin cells can be gently removed from the face and body. Particularly helpful on hands, feet, elbows, in the cleavage or on the back. Rough skin areas feel smooth and soft again afterwards. After peeling, the skin is particularly receptive to skin care products for the face and body.

Natural body peeling

Manufactured quickly and easily. Mix the following three ingredients together in a bowl.

  • 4 tbsp honey

  • 4 tbsp coconut oil

  • 3 tbsp gobe sugar grains

It is best to use the peeling while showering. Simply apply to the skin and rub and massage it in with your hands. You can also use a massage glove for support. Then shower off thoroughly. After showering, you can pamper your body with eco oil or use one of our nourishing body creams: BODY CREAMS

For the face, we recommend our natural care products: FACE

You can use the peeling 1-2 times a week. We would recommend not to use it more often. Exfoliating too often weakens the skin's natural protective barrier.

TIPP: Your skin may be more sensitive to light for a short time after peeling. The optimal peeling time is therefore in the evening. The skin has enough time to recover overnight. The Body Creams can be absorbed well on the skin, so that you have a smooth skin feeling.

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