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ALOE VERA: Promotes cell drainage and strengthens the immune system, a herbal medicine

Autorenbild: The Queen BeeThe Queen Bee

Aktualisiert: 1. Sept. 2020

The leaf pulp of aloe vera consists of almost 200 important active ingredients and thus occupies the top position for nourishing applications for inside and outside in the plant world. Aloe vera in cosmetics promotes cell drainage and accelerates the skin's own protective function. Aloe vera is also ideal for sunburn as it retains moisture and moisturises the skin. Internally applied aloe vera in the form of food or supplements has a very positive impact on general well-being and strengthens the immune system.

Cosmetic properties

  • itch-relieving, cooling & anti-inflammatory

  • moisture-preserving and skin-moisturizing

  • helps wonderfully with sunburn

  • antioxidant, stimulates collagen production

  • among other things effective against certain viruses, bacteria & fungi

  • soothes the skin - ideal for dry, irritated & sensitive skin

  • for the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, and much more.

  • promotes cell drainage and accelerates the skin's own protective functions


Aloe vera can be used both internally and externally:


The use of aloe vera in the form of food or supplements has a very positive impact on the general well-being. Therefore, it does not only help with general complaints such as indigestion, migraines and headaches, but should also be used for diseases such as asthma or diabetes. It is also used to support diseases such as AIDS, viral diseases and cancer to strengthen the immune system. With the stimulation of the regeneration of the intestinal flora, the human defenses are supported and thus the entire immune system is strengthened.


Aloe vera can be found in numerous cosmetics, shampoos and creams. Aloe Vera is also often referred to as a “first aid plant” because it is often used for burns, sunburn or wounds. It works wonders and soothes the skin. The slimy gel not only soaks into the skin extremely quickly, but also relieves pain and prevents bulging scars.

But even with general skin diseases, aloe vera has found an indispensable place. The anti-inflammatory effect also helps with herpes, acne, neurodermatitis or other skin rashes.

The probably best-known application still lies within wrinkles. So watch out ladies! The medicinal plant promotes the healing process of damaged skin cells and thus achieves the desired anti-aging effect.

What is aloe vera?

The real aloe, better known as aloe vera, is a plant from the aloes and is subordinate to the family of the Affodillaceae. The term "vera" comes from Latin and can be translated to something like "true". It is known as a diverse medicinal plant and extreme superfood with incredible effects. There are over 250 types of aloe. The best known is the "Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller".

The effects of the aloe vera plant have not just been discovered, but have been known for thousands of years. Here too, the ancient Egyptians were convinced of the diversity and impact. Great importance was already given to beauty in ancient Egypt and it is believed that they have benefited from the valuable ingredients of the plant.

It was not without reason that aloe vera was known in Egypt as the "plant of immortality". The Aloe Vera consists of sword-shaped leaves, which are arranged without a trunk and can be up to 50 cm long. With yellow-orange flowers it is easy to recognise and is often used especially for medical and cosmetic purposes.

What is aloe vera made of?

The leaf pulp of aloe vera contains almost 200 important active ingredients and thus occupies the top position for nourishing applications for inside and outside in the plant world. Even though the exact composition of the ingredients is not exactly known yet, there are several main components that can roughly be put together as follows:

  • amino acids: skin moisturising

  • enzymes: stay on the skin, split biopolymers into their skin-moistening building blocks

  • minerals: promote cell drainage and accelerate the skin's own protective functions

  • numerous vitamins: support the cell processes and vitalise

  • cell-generating and activating growth factors

  • saccharides: anti-inflammatory

  • phytosterols: cell-generating and anti-inflammatory

  • polysaccharides: moisturising and soothing to the skin

  • mono & polysaccharides

  • trace elements

  • acemannan / aloverose

  • essential oils

Manufacturing & extraction

Aloe vera can only be harvested after 3 years. The process begins with removing the outer leaves of the plant and being careful not to pull out any roots of the plant. This could have a very negative effect on the growth of aloe vera.

The golden rule is that at least 10 leaves should always remain on the plant so that it can regenerate again. Therefore, 4 leaves are usually removed, which of course also depends on the size and strength of the aloe vera. This process can be repeated every 3 months.

So that the ingredients are not lost through oxidation, the leaves must be processed directly. The aim here is to extract the aloe extract as quickly as possible by cutting the leaves at the base of the leaf at an angle and collecting the yellow-orange juice.

Feel free to try it out!

In the end, aloe vera is a real miracle cure, which has been proven in several studies to have the following effects:

  • antibacterial

  • antiviral

  • anti-inflammatory

  • promotes wound healing

  • immune stimulating

Aloe vera gel

Also very popular is the aloe vera gel, which is obtained by removing the water storage tissue from the leaves. The yellowish juice is separated from the gel by cutting open the leaves and allowing the juice to drain. The clear aloe vera gel then remains and can be carefully separated. Mix the gel in smoothies or with suitable dishes, for example.

The gel of aloe vera contains many enzymes and essential amino acids, which are responsible for the healing effects of aloe. However, the bitter, yellow juice contains aloin, which can cause symptoms of intoxication if overdosed.

The harvest is of course extensively examined in medicine. Extracts, juice or gel from the leaves of various aloe plants, especially from aloe arborescens and aloe barbadensis (aloe vera), are used in foods and food supplements.

The aloe vera extract and the aloe vera gel should always be kept cool.


The bark is poisonous and should under no circumstances be consumed. In the juice of aloe vera there is the active ingredient aloin, which can be harmful to health if dosed incorrectly. Of course, you should not overdo it with aloe vera and eat too much. To the right degree, the remedy promises true miracles, but too much of a good thing is not recommended. Furthermore, there may also be certain allergies or side effects. In the event of gastrointestinal complaints or allergic skin reactions, the product should be avoided. Pregnant and nursing women should also adhere to this.

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